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Or use our contact formJoel is a diversity and ethical business specialist with a successful track record in strategic and operational leadership. He has delivered innovative programmes for a wide variety of high-profile clients in the private, public and NGO sectors spanning 30 years. Joel is a seasoned leaders who has been influential in a number of prominent national agencies and is considered a quality leader and project manager. Early in his career Joel gained invaluable insights into large scale reviews as a Commissioner on the highly acclaimed ‘Deakin Commission into the Future of the Voluntary Sector’ (1996). He has held a variety of roles in local authorities in Southwark, Lambeth, Liverpool, Manchester, Ormskirk, Bristol and Lewisham. In these roles Joel has gained practical experience of council structures that still guides his consulting work with councils His work is well regarded across the public sector and particularly in local government, housing association and NHS circles.
Joel leads the DWC Training Division and is an engaging facilitator who has designed and delivered training on, leadership, change management and diversity for a range of high profile multi-national clients including Glaxo SmithKline, Goldman Sachs, Powergen, as well as The UK House of Commons and other Government agencies. He has worked extensively developing innovative diversity management programmes and training staff in the National Health Service where he formerly sat as an expert advisor on race equality to the Care Quality Commission (the NHS regulator). His most recent high-profile training commission was providing Leadership and Change Management programmes for the Senior Civil Service of the Botswana Government.
Joel’s inclusive practice expertise was sharpened by undertaking the prestigious Desmond Tutu Mediation programme, from which he gained a Mediation qualification at Regent’s University. This has equipped him with an impressive range of insights on conflict management and the behaviours required to drive an effective business. Over the past 30years he has put this into practice influencing organisational culture change-and supporting clients to embed / mainstreaming inclusive behaviours in a manner that empowers organisation leaders to perceive inclusive cultures as essential and business-critical. Joel has also undertaken a number of analyses of clients’ EDI performance which has resulted in workable recommendations for improved engagement with their diverse workforces.
Joel has extensive Board and strategic level experience having gained it in the roles of – Member of the UK Home Office Advisory Council on Race, Merseyside Business Links Board Member, National Lottery North West Board Member, Chair the National Urban Forum, Commissioner on the Deakin Commission into the Future of the Voluntary Sector and National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) Board member. He has worked with global figures such as, Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, Reverend Jesse Jackson, and the leaders of a number of Caribbean and African states. During2012-14 Joel was the Chief Operation Officer for the Tutu Foundation where he was responsible for developing the organisation’s structures and fundraising. He was also responsible for liaison between the UK Foundation and Desmond Tutu Foundation in South Africa.
Joel holds a BA Hons (Econ), CPPD, PG Cert (Hyp), Dipl Mediation and is DWC Lead on Training and Organisational Culture Change.
Media - Joel is a presenter for the online television station Africans in London TV (AILTV). At AILTV he has served as the Business and Current Affairs Correspondent and has interviewed leading businessmen and politicians from Africa and the Caribbean (seeailtv.com). Joel is currently indulging his creative juices by writing The Windrush Cookbook a retrospective on Caribbean immigration into Britain.